Father’s Day gift ideas need to happen now if you’re gonna present Dad with a gift by Sunday, June 21st. But this year, maybe try giving those classic dad gifts with a storage twist. Try these below.

Charging Station

Take an old toolbox and convert it into a charging station for those new electronics you’re getting Dad. Be sure to measure the box before you cut the board that will go inside. Then, puncture holes where the cords will go through.
Lockable Beer Storage

As we move to a paperless society, beer is the perfect replacement to Dad’s old filing cabinet. A beer of the month club won’t go to waste when he can store his monthly gift and lock it up from others.
Golf Club Tie Rack.

Combine work and play with this innovative decor for Dad’s token Father’s Day tie.
Garage Ceiling Storage Rack.

Overhead space in the garage is seldom utilized, but it’s perfect for lightweight equipment like fishing rods.
Wristwatch Drawer Display.

Watches are shoes to men, so it’s best to keep them in proper order before they clutter the entire dresser. If you have an extra drawer, take an old seat cushion and cut out inserts with a knife.
And there you have it – some stellar Father’s Day gift ideas plus the storage hacks that go along with them.