2015 is coming to a close, and 2016 is waiting! In order to make it your best year yet, you have to pick a great New Year’s resolution that will not only make a big change in your life, but is also something that you’ll stick to and follow for the next 12 months (and hopefully more). If you’re unsure what to pick to make the most out of 2016, here are a few ideas.
If you’ve been stressed in 2015, or simply thinking about redecorating your home, the first step is to declutter your life. Relying too much on your things can be a problem, and it can leave you feeling overwhelmed. Go through all of the rooms of your house one at a time, making piles of things to keep, things to donate or throw away, and things to put in storage for the future. You probably don’t need everything in your house right now, so start to clear them out and make some more room in your home and your life. A decluttered house is the first step to a decluttered life.
Start a Hobby:
Looking back at 2015, were you ever bored? When people ask what you like to do in your free time, do you struggle to come up with something interesting? You might need a hobby! The New Year is a great time to start. If you’ve always loved music, why not pick up an instrument? You can teach yourself many instruments over the internet, or start taking lessons in your spare time. Or try your hand at collecting art? Take a trip to the nearest gallery. How about getting in shape by trying a new sport, like skiing? The winter months are the perfect time to start! All of these hobbies can be a lot of fun, and you can store any extra equipment you might need so you don’t take up too much space in your home.
Read More:
Something every adult should have in their lives is a well-stocked bookshelf. If you have a whole stack of books collecting dust in storage, maybe this is the year to pull them out and start reading them. Take a trip without leaving the house with fiction novels, or learn more about your heroes by reading their biographies. Reading is a great way to exercise your brain, and can make you a more creative person – not to mention, it can reduce stress.
Be Healthier Perhaps the most common resolution – and the most commonly abandoned after one week at the gym – is to spend the next year getting healthy. This can include working out, eating right, and getting better sleep. But there are often a lot of obstacles in your way of crushing this resolution, so here’s a tip: This year, get out that exercise equipment you have in storage. Whether it’s a treadmill or just a set of weights, you’ll be much more likely to work out if it doesn’t involve getting a gym membership and heading outside in the snow. Make room in your life (and your home) for this resolution.