Summer is approaching, and it’s time to take your wave runner, car, motorcycle, or boat out of storage. Don’t let your excitement eclipse the precautions you must take as you ready your vehicle for seasonal fun.

- Clean it thoroughly.
First off, wash it. And if it’s time for the annual wax, do it before your vehicle encounters water/rain. For boats and cars, open doors and air out inside areas as you apply an air freshening spray. Also, bring a hand held brush or a portable vacuum so you can clean floors.
- Inspect key areas.
When it’s time to inspect, remember the acronym BELT:
- Battery: Take a look, and make sure there is no corrosion. (Have a plan in place in case your battery is dead, such as jumper cables or a replacement.)
- Engine: Make sure belts and hoses are not damaged. Change any dirty filters.
- Light: Turn them all on, and inspect for any that have burnt out.
- Tires: Look for any damage. Then, check the pressure with your tire gauge.
- Check the brakes on vehicles.
Most cars have their brake pads visible through the wheel. If the brake pad is less than one-fourth of an inch, it needs replacement.
- Start your engine!
Once your vehicle is located in secure outdoor space, start your engine and let it run for 20 minutes in order to make sure there are no problems before use.
Remember, nothing replaces expert care for a vehicle. Be sure you’re taking proper precautions by bringing yours to a licensed mechanic who can inspect your transport’s safety and efficiency on a regular basis.